Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Here is how you can create a simple translate widget for Blogger . This translation widget script uses Google language translation tools and Yahoo babel fish translator .
Open Your Blogger template’s layout section and select page elements .
Click to add a gadget in the suitable location and then HTML/JavaScript.
149 HTML%2BJavaScript%2Bin%2BBlogger Blogger language translation widgetNow copy the following code onto it and save the widget.
<script src="http://www.gmodules.com/ig/ifr?url=http://www.google.com/ig/modules/translatemypage.xml&up_source_language=en&w=160&h=60&title=&border=&output=js"></script>
151 google%2Btranslate%2Bwidget Blogger language translation widget
Google translation widget would appear at the selected location as shown above .

Yahoo babel fish translator widget for Blogger
Procedure is the same as in the above case ,
153 Yahoo%2Bbabel%2Bfish%2Btranslation Blogger language translation widget
<script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" language="JavaScript1.2" src="http://uk.babelfish.yahoo.com/free_trans_service/babelfish2.js?from_lang=en&region=uk"></script>
There are two methods to let your visitors easily translate your website:

Altavista BabelfishMethod ONE:
All these services provide a translation box. To translate a webpage,
you simply type in the URL of the website, choose the source and target
language, and click the Translate button. [World Lingo, Google Translate, BabelFish Translate]

Method TWO:
Here we will integrate the translation form in the website itself
without requiring the user to visit any external page for translation.
Your web visitors will be able to translate foreign language content
into their native language by simply clicking the country flag icon.
(Notice the top right corner of this page to see the various country
flag icons). Simply cut and paste the code into your pages.

1. Alta Vista Babel Fish: 
Fish Translate is available in English, German, Spanish, French,
Italian and Portuguese. Just add the following single line of
JavaScript code to your website. 

2. Google Translate: Available in English,
German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean and
Chinese (Simplified). Remember to replace the value of variable "u"
with the URL of your website. The translated pages can even be

3. WorldLingo URL Translator: World Lingo is my favorite service since Google indexes the static URLs translated by World Lingo.
Thus, my website can be found on Google even while searching for
non-english terms. World Lingo supports English, French, Spanish,
German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Greek, Chinese (Traditional and
Simplified), Japanese, Korean and Russian. The translated pages can even be bookmarked.


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